Derek Jeter Deserves Better Treatment

Although it claims to revere Jeter, the media has been quick to write him off and diminish his accomplishments by focusing too much on his 3000th hit.
I have been astounded by the lack of creativity journalists have exercised in their coverage of Derek Jeter in recent months. Either the story is a complete list of all the reasons Derek sucks now, or it’s a grandiose description of what Jeter’s 3000th hit means for baseball.
Jeter was bound to get old, and his numbers were sure to decline. I don’t understand what people are confused about when the first lines of their cheesy articles is “What’s wrong with Derek Jeter?” The guy is 38. Let’s not forget that he’s still putting up decent numbers, escpecially when compared to his veteran buddy Jorge Posada: he’s batting in the .260s despite injuries. He’s still fielding pretty efficiently, too.
On, a poll asked readers whether they thought Jeter should be benched. All in all, 82 percent of voters said “no.” At least the fans aren’t writing off our hero as quickly as the media.
Jeter’s 3000th hit is big, but it’s simply the cherry on top of a great career. I’ve always felt that people place too much stock in records; his 3,000th hit was no more impressive than his 2999th or 3001st hits. Here’s how the average Jeter story documenting his record goes: “Anticipation filled the air. The crowd was brimming with excitement. Jeter said he wasn’t nervous, but his anxiety at the plate was palpable. Jeter’s at bat couldn’t have been more fitting, an absolute battle with the pitcher. Suddenly, a crack of the bat…” Get that dramatic, crappy writing out of here, I’m not interested.
I would expect some more respect for Jeter’s career from journalists, because their writing has been awful – whether pointing out his flaws or over-playing the significance of one hit. Jeter is a hall of famer, don’t you have anything interesting, original, or insightful to say about his prolific career? I’m not saying I do, but at least I’m not trying.