NBA Wheeling & Dealing

  • The Knicks waived Corey Brewer and Kelenna Azubuike the other day. Azubuike averaged 15 points per game once! We could have used him. People say Corey Brewer is the next Bruce Bowen (unbelievable defensive player) with an offensive game. He just had an unpleasant contract and we’re trying to clear space for Chris Paul.

  • The Heat waived Carlos Arroyo and will likely pick up Bibby, who was bought out by the Wizards. This is definitely an upgrade; Mario Chalmers was not going to lead them to the Finals, but savvy veteran Bibby might be able to. This year, a lot of teams made trades for players that they immediately bought out. This phenomena is largely due to the fact that the free agency class of 2012 is exceptional and everyone wants to clear contracts in preparation for a big signing.

  • The Knicks signed Derrick Brown, a high energy post player who is not afraid to do the dirty work. He played for Bobcats for a while and is said to have potential to be a Charles Oakley type guy. pointed out that between him, Renaldo Balkman, Sheldon Williams and  Jared Jeffries (glad to have him back), we’re becoming a bit redundant with all these high energy “big men.” They are not going to help us against the Dwight Howards and LaMarcus Aldriges come playoff time.

  • Speaking of Dwight Howard, the Knicks lost to his overrated Magic the other night, despite leading by a good ten points the whole night. Our big three combined for 85 points and we lost…disgraceful! This shows that a) we need other guys to step up and b) we need to play D. Granted, Jameer Nelson got loose and could absolutely not miss.

  •  Below is a great article about why the Knicks shoudln’t have traded Wilson Chandler; his value will continue to rise.

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