Hubie Brown

Hubie Brown may well be the worst sports commentator ever. The man states the obvious on a consistent basis and sets records for redundancy. Listening to him is over the river and through the woods – you have no idea where he is headed. Here is a sample of something Hubie might say: “The Boston Celtics are happy with their performance today. I will tell you why they are happy with their performance. They are happy with the performance because they scored more points in the painted area today than the other team. If you are a team in the National Basketball Association, that will always be your goal because when you shoot from closer in, your shots have a greater chance of going in and subsequently you will have a better chance to win the game.” As you can see, it’s two steps forward, one step back with him, with no real destination. My dad and I have an incredible impression of him – we might just have to record it for the blog. For now, here’s a video of Hubie struggling to say the “lull you to sleep” and a decent impression of Hubie (not as good as ours, though).

This face simply says, "I just pooped in my pants, and I'm mad at myself because I didn't see it coming."

Hubie Brown is an Incomprehensible Fool

Hubie Brown Impression

  • Fazsh

    OK, now this entry is not a good blog entry and I’ll tell you why. The reason that this entry is not a good blog entry is that the entry is not long enough. A good blog entry needs to be longer, unlike this entry which is not long. Think of it as a basketball player playing 2 minutes instead of 48 minutes. The basketball player who plays a longer game will have more exposure to the action in the game (and in particular, the painted area of the basketball court) than a player who plays limited minutes and never has the chance to secure a position inside the same painted area. It’s a simple concept and I hope you will follow my advice and write longer entries which can lead to quick transition points and eliminate turn overs.

  • fman

    “Ok no, No. No… no. That was not a good comment. I have two reasons why that was not a good comment. First it wasn’t a good comment because…” ~ Hubie

    “Oh Jesus somebody get Mark Jackson back here. This man is driving me nuts.” ~ Breen

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